Some of my English Publications:
Living forward. The challenge of carrying forward Gendlin’s legacy. Lecture presented by Prof. Dr. Mia Leijssen at the 1ST EUROPEAN FOCUSING CONFERENCE. May 2018, 10-14, Loutraki, Greece. Published in: Senses of Focusing, Volume II. Editors Nikolaos Kypriotakis and Judy Moore. Eurasia Publication, 2021, 79-94. Living forward Published in Senses of Focusing Vol II
Existential wellbeing counselling. Leijssen, M. (2014). In Madison, G. (Ed). Emerging Practice in Focusing- Oriented Psychotherapy. Innovative Theory, Applications and Practice. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers. Pp. 142-157. Leijssen 2014 Existential Wellbeing counseling
Making space for the inner guide. Leijssen, M. (2007). Theme issue: How Do You Do Experiential Psychotherapy? American Journal of psychotherapy. 61 (3), 255-270. 2007 Leijsseninner guidedefinitief
Focusing-oriented dream work. Leijssen, M. (2004). In R. I. Rosner, W. J. Lyddon, & A. Freeman (Eds.), Cognitive therapy and dreams (pp. 137-160). New York: Springer Publishing Company. dreamchapter2003
FOCUSING MICROPROCESSES. Mia Leijssen (1998). Published in: Greenberg, L.S., Watson, J.C., et al (Eds.): Handbook of experiential psychotherapy, 1998, pp 121-154, NY, Guilford Press. 1998 Leijssen Focusing microprocesses
Encountering the sacred: Person-centered therapy as a spiritual practice. Leijssen, M. (2008). Person-Centered and Experiential Psychotherapies, 7(3), 218-225. 2008 PCEP 7.3 Leijssen sacredfinal printed version
Psychotherapy as search and care for the soul. Leijssen, M. (2009). Person-Centered & Experiential Psychotherapies, 8(1), 18-32. PCEP soul2009 Leijssen
VALIDATION OF THE BODY IN PSYCHOTHERAPY. Leijssen, M. (2006). Journal of Humanistic Psychology. 46, 2, 126-146. HumanisticJournalBody
PRESENCE. Mia Leijssen (2021). Gita Umesh and Umesh Rao edited the book “Sai Counselling” (2021) to celebrate the 20the Anniversary of the Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Medical Sciences, Whitefield, India. The hospitals run by Sri Sathya Sai Central Trust provide free medical care for everyone. They selected Person Centred and Existential well Being Counselling to support the patients and to offer training to their counsellors. They invited me to write a Foreword for their book. PRESENCE Foreword book SC India 2021
To see all my publications, go to ‘Nederlands’ version of this website: www.existentieelwelzijn.be
KU Leuven Massive Open Online Course Existential Wellbeing Counseling on EdX platform. See Trailer and info: https://www.edx.org/course/existential-well-being-counseling-person-kuleuvenx-ewbcx
In the first 5 sections the emphasis is on exploring existential challenges and developing strengths to enhance well-being and meaning in life. The last 4 sections focus more on developing therapeutic attitudes and counseling skills, based on Person-centered, Experiential and Emotion-focused therapy.
This course offers you a high degree of flexibility. You can take the course starting with section 1, but you can also choose another section to start with. It is also possible to concentrate on only a few sections. Be aware that it would be realistic to spend 6 to 8 hours on a section.
You can follow your own rhythm in studying and practicing what is offered in each section. The course will be available from October until the end of June. This gives you the freedom to give time to the course when it suits you best.
Our course is not only for advanced graduate students. We are convinced that it can be beneficial for anybody who cares about well-being and meaningful living. This course has particular added value for counselors and therapists who want to deepen their therapeutic approach and explore an Existential, a Person-centered and an Experiential perspective.
We will bring complex skills within your reach by means of simple exercises. Through examples and video-demonstrations we will illustrate how you can apply our existential well-being approach in your personal life and in a variety of helping contexts, including counselling and psychotherapy.
This course is taught by instructors with decades of experience in the field: Mia Leijssen, Siebrecht Vanhooren, Monica Gundrum, Chris van de Veire and others (Les Greenberg demonstrates Emotion-focused therapy in one of the many video’s).
This course is free of charge. We do offer you the possibility of receiving a certificate. You can earn this certificate by passing all the assessments. The price of the certificate is 49 US dollars.
Existential well-being is this training’s key element. It is considered to be a balance between the physical, the social, the psychological and the spiritual dimension of human existence. Read more …
Presentation World Congress Existential Therapy, London 2015 Existential wellbeing London 2015 Leijssen
Videoclips MOOC:
Body https://youtu.be/alcqcMpIZDM
Dreams https://youtu.be/jhs57H8Kj2o
Spirituality https://youtu.be/U32UQtYDml8
Why Do I Love the Person-Centered approach https://youtu.be/OfEFW3FxpnY
Authenticity: https://youtu.be/ezSbhDqfRPk
Existential Exercise: https://youtu.be/NapmYDkI574
Focusing en Mindfulness https://youtu.be/vsXp5R2uz1Y
Focusing Essence https://youtu.be/nGUen4KP3_w
Focusing Steps https://youtu.be/xkIkcvOPzhg
Making Space https://youtu.be/hijesng7Cmk
Focusing and Existential Well Being https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ecJ-INVv5Is
Experiential approach https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jWOodYqHkdM
Person-centered approach https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CKBecSWvsao
Process Blocks https://youtu.be/wku4vOmZybA
Healing and Selfcare https://youtu.be/jNy7Fry1UXA
Video Role Play Simon: Illustration Well-being Counseling https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M8tZ7MWL-KQ
Video Role Play Helena: Illustration Existential Well-being Counseling Migraine https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XhdhZm1rjY4&t=17s
Video Role Play Sophie. Illustration Experiential Existential Counseling. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d2Fox2H3d3s